such is my life.

April 29, 2003

morrie. i love you. please forgive me. here, i wrote you a poem:

morrie, sweet morrie,
oh how i love your sweet face.
morrie, my morrie,
please give me time for my case.
my room is so messy,
and time limited,
so tonight i will clean it,
and surely find my bed.
daybreak tomorrow?
please say you'll go,
after your party,
i would die if you say no.

do you forgive me?
comment yes or no.

April 28, 2003

things i learned this weekend (in list format):

--never, i mean never, assume that because you beat becky at bond, that you will also beat robyn. big mistake. big. huge.
--never assume that when robyn has said that she learned to play the guitar, that she actually has
--a continuation of the afore mentioned lesson, never let her play a song that she lovingly calls "timmy"
--never assume that the batteries you bought from "siber kid mart" (that is the actual spelling) will actually work for more than an hour. cause they most likely won't.
--never underestimate the temptation of buying things when you are out of town at places that you have at target for instance. i shopped there like i had never been to one before.
--don't think that a weekend is long enough to see everyone that you wanted to see...thus, there was no james, and no tyler. which also meant no freestlye walking.
--don't ever think that just because you missed only a half of a day on friday, that your work load on monday will not be bad. cause it will be. i promise you that.
--don't assume that just because your sister's cat looks at you like he likes you, that he does. he most likely will try to scratch your face off and bite your hands off if you pick him up. all to be left with black cat hair all over your white shirt.

welp, those are all of the lessons that i can think of right now. i will keep you posted on those as i think of more.

April 24, 2003

well kids...i am off to dallas/tyler to see jenny, tj, becky, robyn, tyler, and james. sorry that my blog has been the suckiest of all sucks lately. really. i will reflect this weekend on what has gone on at "...and then i found $100..." and hopefully will be enlightened with new hilarity, creativity, and insight. if i am as lucky as i think i will be...i will get to see tyler freestlye walk. don't miss me too bad...really. don't.

April 22, 2003

what do you guys think about internet relationships...not like the whole meet your match here...but what if you just start talking to someone that doesn't live in lubbock...or whereever you are...hypothetically that is. i don't know anyone who is having this issue. comments??

April 18, 2003

everything in the world is pointing to kimberly johnson being single for the rest of her life. yesterday, i took my dog to the vet, and she racked the really cute assistant. cool. ah. what's a girl to do.

April 17, 2003

ok...i know i am being psycho poster...but i was just thinking about how boys confuse me with their idea of fun. on the radio today, these boys were talking about how they used to stand on opposite sides of the fence from each other and throw those blow darts at each you didn't know they were coming. and my friend jib laid in the dark and him and his friends were throwing darts at the ceiling. what if you miss...welp, see you later eye. logan said him and his friends would do those blow darts at each other on purpose...just cause. i just don't understand. i think...oh, that will hurt...let's not do it...and boys think, oh, that will hurt...YES!! i just don't quite understand this philosophy. the end.

so, i am sitting here at work, and i have never wanted to be at home so bad in my life. so, i was pondering things i would rather be doing right here they are:

sleeping in a king size bed all by myself with the air conditioner on really high and a lot of blankets
laying in thick green grass on a blanket surrounded by dandelions out in a field with a partly cloudy sky over head, and 75 degree wind gently blowing
laying in a huge bathtub with eternal bubbles and candles and some denison witmer playing in the background
getting a spa treatment like the lady in that new deodorant commercial...i have never had one, but it looks nice
laying in a hammock next to some calm, quiet ocean

that's all i can think of right now...i just want to be carefree for the day...and not at work. but thankfully, i only have an hour left...i think i can, i think i can, i think i can...

April 15, 2003

uh, i am officially starting to hate this day.

curses on tami hernandez's head. i have the mother ship fever blister on my bottom almost looks like i got punched there. oh the disgrace. this moment in time, i want to avoid all social activities to save face...this would be the day that i would wear a bag over my head. oh yes it would be. and what's worse...i have a date tonight...there is no hiding in a bag on a date if you are trying to ensure another one. moving on...

i have a new defense for people that are mean to me on the phone...i make my voice sound extra sugar sweet and little, so they feel like a jerk for being rude to the "sweetest girl alive!!" ...i put that in quotes so i could explain the voice that was in my's the aunt bertha voice...the pinch your cheeks really hard voice...the i am about to kiss all over your face with beaming pink lipstick voice...

and now, i sit back, reflecting on my post, and i am reminded of chris farley in almost heroes...he talks of his brother doing all of this gross stuff, and later he says, "i don't even have a brother. really. it was me!!" so, i feel the need to tell you all, that i don't even have an aunt bertha........"or a date." once again, let me describe this's the i'm sorry i lied voice...the i am gonna let you borrow that even though i don't want to voice...the you are getting on my nerves but i am gonna act interested in what you are saying anyways voice...the last two, of which i have never used. promise. especially when ryan talks about his newest issue of national geographic, and pearce talks about his newest sci fi thriller/game. never used them.

this is me, making my exit. my long hair flowing behind steps petite, yet purposeful.

"i would like to thank the academy for this award!! and all of my blogging friends who have supported me! i couldn't have done it without you!"

April 11, 2003

i got this email from my friend matt harnly today...the one that wrote the really funny post that i led you all to believe was me...I AM SORRY...lay off. anywho, this is the latest email that i got from him...i just wanted to share the joy that i get when he writes me...because he's a spaz. here, i gotta set up the plot...he has a time limit on his emails...10 days...and he wrote me twice in that time because i hadn't, here is his response to the two email event.

I gotta tell you, that whole "two emails in a row" thing really took it
outta me. I'm just now recovering... I still get flashbacks and nightsweats
from time to time. Sometimes I can still hear the gunfire and the screaming.
But that's just my neighbors.
I should've known... but you know, sometimes I just go around thinking I'm
Superman. Well Kimberly Johnson I'M NOT SUPERMAN OKAY?! People sometimes
even LAUGH at my blue leggings and red underwear... but I think they really
dig the yellow vinyl boots... those things really put the fear in 'em. Just
yesterday I scared off a cat from our back porch and I hadn't even ironed my
leotard. So, yes, I can maintain justice throughout our region, but that
two-email crap is like a Kryptonite Cafe' Double Latte Half-Caf No-Foam
But you, you're my yellow sun.
Sniff... I'm all choked up.
Give me a sec.

that matt harnly...he's a riot. i never quite laugh as hard with anyone else as i do with good ol' m.h.

welp, off to do a disciple now...sorry that i suck in the area of wells have run dry...gotta think of some other ingenious post...until then...

April 07, 2003

the past two days = testing of my reliance on God. why is it so hard to say, "hey, you know the plans you have for me...and they are good...and that's all i need to know."? why is it constantly the opposite...what i want to do, i don't do, and what i hate, i do. i hate that i have such a hard time leaving things at His throne, trusting that he will take care of it all...trusting that he knows better than me. last night i realized how much i don't relief from my burdens in the Word...and how dumb i am to not. i found so much comfort there when i sat quiet and still before Him...refusing to worry about my life...refusing to do anything but meditate on His words for me. and so, that is my new that should have been all along, but now has become extremely clear...i will do all i can to think of the Lord above meditate on His likeness, His character, His will. He does long to take our burdens...and His yoke is light. an uneven trade (like all that He does for us)...and i will accept.

my thoughts for the day...take no stabs viewers...i have a hard time being vulnerable.

and pearce...i am not depressed. so don't worry.

April 04, 2003


April 03, 2003

so, here i sit at work...facing much the same problem that mike talked of in his highly anticipated post...i have nothing to say. so, here goes...i am going to tell you little tidbits about me. my full legal name is kimberly jean johnson, born june 2, 1981 (not april 4th, which would be tomorrow, which would be a ms. megan nicole henry's b-day). i am a girl...i read into things because of the afore mentioned fact. i rarely have any other emotion besides happiness...but if i do, they tend to be annoyed, tired, and and confused (all of which are not truly emotions, but in my case, they are. i am the author...i am the dreamer of the dreams). i love entertainment...thus i feel truly blessed that i find all of my friends, not just a little, but extremely clever and humorous. i would love to live in the northwest somewhere when i grow a volkswagen when i have money (which will have to come after i grow up...until's the tempo, and the tempo is it)...get married (which the fact that i am a girl and i read into things, hinders this goal sometimes...err...enough there)...i want kids...which is a new development...but i want kids with names that they will have to spell for the rest of their lifes...names to make sure they are the only person in their class with that name, as to cause no confusion on if they are kim j, kim t, or kim em, not like lemonjello, but like jamison, and brooklyn, and tate. i want to drive from coast to coast...stopping anywhere i want, and staying however long i want. i have a dog...named maggie. one day she will be a good dog...a dog that catches frisbees at the park. i would love to shave my head...but fear that my hair as it is now, already causes stereotypical opinions...and confusion on whether or not i am a girl or a boy...of which we go back to the fact that i am a girl. spread the word. i work at a travel agency, and i enjoy it for the most part...but do miss the days of a stress free job. i would love to own my own business...but have no clue what i would do. i love to paint, and i am extremely bad at it...same thing goes for pastels...who can judge art you say? me...and i suck. i hate to put lotion on, or give massages, or stuff pillows into their cases, because my hands go numb if they rub anything...weird, i know. i can't finish a coke in a can, but i can finish a route 44 (of which i always order as a route 66...don't be jealous of my coolness). i wear whatever i want, whenever i want...sandals in the winter, and sweaters in the summer, it's all the same to me. i was on the track team in jr. high, and missed my race because i was talking...and then got kicked off the team because of it. athleticism is really not my thing, especially when there is a chance to be social. family, you ask? i have two sisters, and one brother in law, two moms, two dads. have you ever wondered why she had two dads in "my two dads?" i don't remember the plot. i got saved when i was in fifth yes, a carmen concert. i know...i am just as disgusted. i sing, i don't read, i rarely shower, i love to take naps, i love candy (especially skittles), i love and hate horror movies, i get fever blisters (thanks to tami hernandez, who in seventh grade drank some of my coke), i had a crush on kenny rodgers growing up, as well as john denver, i bite not only my fingernails, but also the skin around them (call me hannibal), i can bake, but not cook, i have a blog (on which i stated that i had nothing to say), and i am now signing off, for fear that i lost you at "i am going to tell you little tidbits about me".