such is my life.

September 28, 2006

i hate that you hate the things in other people that you hate in yourself.

my feelings are always hurt when people don't write me back.

but saying that means i am the biggest hypocrite of all time.

i'm fairly good at responding to emails and written letters...but phone calls? goodness. i can't even begin to say how many phone calls have gone:

do i think about the fact that those people's feelings might be hurt like mine are when people don't write me back?


so, i think this proves that i am a heartless jerk.

ps - i've lost all abilities to sleep. if you are a fellow insomniac, please call me. i promise i will try to answer. or at least try to return your phone call.


Blogger sowlee said...

insomnia, I bet it's about the austin chronicle's shot in the dark.
You KNEW that someone was talking to you and you didn't answer. I think you're losing (all) sleep over it.

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we still love you kimmy! can you bring my earrings next time you come in town?

7:00 PM  

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