such is my life.

April 07, 2003

the past two days = testing of my reliance on God. why is it so hard to say, "hey, you know the plans you have for me...and they are good...and that's all i need to know."? why is it constantly the opposite...what i want to do, i don't do, and what i hate, i do. i hate that i have such a hard time leaving things at His throne, trusting that he will take care of it all...trusting that he knows better than me. last night i realized how much i don't relief from my burdens in the Word...and how dumb i am to not. i found so much comfort there when i sat quiet and still before Him...refusing to worry about my life...refusing to do anything but meditate on His words for me. and so, that is my new that should have been all along, but now has become extremely clear...i will do all i can to think of the Lord above meditate on His likeness, His character, His will. He does long to take our burdens...and His yoke is light. an uneven trade (like all that He does for us)...and i will accept.

my thoughts for the day...take no stabs viewers...i have a hard time being vulnerable.

and pearce...i am not depressed. so don't worry.


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