why is it that your bed is never more comfortable than when it's time to get out of it?
such is my life.
March 31, 2004
March 30, 2004
there is a pei wei in austin, and nothing brings me more joy. well. there is equal joy coming from the urban outfitters there too. and the whole foods market. and the containter store. okay, okay. it's just joy all the way around. we found an apartment that we liked. it has all the normal commodities of a lubbock apartment...a putting green, a couple of pools, bike rentals, sand volleyball court, 24 hour work out room with trainer, a theatre. yeah. not kidding. life is gonna be sweet in a-town.
but for now, life is sweet. me, beck, nathan, and jones won a hefty 700 some odd tickets and rewarded ourselves with 4 blow up bats. the remainder went to the bratty kid next to us in line, who i am SURE didn't really deserve anything but a good spanking. that's about the only thing that kids deserve.
and in other news...average adam kicked off some girls yesterday. it's tv shows like this that show men all around the world how psycho girls really are. that, and tells them more than they EVER need to know about pads and tampons. just ask adam.
and as for seth cohen, he will be seeing my beautiful face tomorrow. and like always, the oc viewing will take place 10ish at 1C. be there, or be left out.
March 25, 2004
single white female in search of a real life seth cohen.
and if you don't know who seth cohen is........bye.

Sandals- peaceful, daydreamy, and thoughtful, you
often find yourself staring into space. When
you aren't out volunteering you are often just
dreaming away. You enjoy the company of
friends sometimes but enjoy peace and quiet.
[please vote! thank you! :)]
What Kind of Shoe Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
personally, i find it interesting that this quiz knows me so well...."when you aren't out volunteering"......exxxactly.
March 22, 2004
things here in lubbock have been very much the same since everyone left. most of this will not be news to anyone, since it was pretty much my normal routine, but here is what i did the past week while everyone was gone.
--i went on a date friday night, much like i do every friday night.
--i went to the soup kitchen at 5:30AM on saturday morning and then went and volunteered my services at the local adoption center, much like i do every saturday.
--i awoke with the sun on sunday, went on a prayer walk, read all of romans, and went to all three services at church, much like i do every sunday morning.
--i worked monday at the office, and monday night i met with 2 of the 14 women i disciple, much like i do every monday.
--i worked tuesday at the office, and tuesday night went and volunteered at the homeless shelter downtown, much like i do every tuesday.
--i worked wednesday at the office, and wednesday night met with 4 more women that i disciple, and taught them the meaning of giving as we gave random people money, food, and clothes, much like i do every wednesday.
--i worked thursday at the office, and thursday night i called and talked to beth moore about her new book, and what i think she could do to make it better, much like i do every thursday night.
--i worked friday at the office, and friday night, i went on a date, much like i do every friday night.
--saturday morning, after working at the soup kitchen, i took the elderly in my neighborhood to the musuem, and took the local children to the park. later that day, i met with the other 7 women i disciple and led them through the four spiritual laws, much like i do every saturday.
so, as you can see, nothing too exciting happened here in lubbock while you all were gone. things were pretty much routine for me. so if you will excuse me, i have a conference call with john piper in 5.
March 11, 2004
i'll take you back to a little place i like to call, memory lane. for all of those sicked out by bodily functions that have not already stopped reading, you might want to now. it's about to get dirty.
so. i have been at camp for about a half a week. my stomach hurts. why?, you ask. well...it seems that my poop has stage fright when sharing a cabin with 25 other girls. so. a half a week worth of poop, and i'm dying. me and my friend are walking alone back to our cabin, and i decide to let a fart out while it's just us two. but little did i know that letting a fart out would be much more drama than it at first seemed. there i was. poopy. in front of my friend. lucky for me, some 8th grade boy had done the same thing. so...no one had to know that that smell was coming from our side of the cabin too.
11th grade. i awake from my deep slumber with a sudden urge to pee. i was in the mental state of: "it's okay. i can be late to work today.", or "i can sleep in, i am already ready."....if only it had been one of those situations. this particular day, it was "it's okay, you ARE in the bathroom." lies. all lies. i proceed to pee. in my bed. and then i realize it. the shame rushes over me like a flood, and suddenly, i am very awake. what's worse than the fact that i peed my bed in 11th grade? i shared a room with my sister, and had to let her know what i had just done.
sophmore year of college. it's summer. and that summer, we spent every night at the volleyball court. most likely one of the muggiest summers in lubbock, and also, the summer of the last day i drank mountain dew. the cursed drink that caused my bladder to be lazy, and my name to be smeared. i felt the urge to pee in the middle of game and started walking to the bathroom. apparently my bladder was very excited that we were in the bathroom, and so she started to let it all out. mugginess + cotton pants + a party bladder = disaster. so, 192 ounces of mountain dew later, and i have wet pants. not only do i still have to go show my face to my friends out on the volleyball court, but i have to ride home...in pee pants.
same night. living room. i am standing there watching a pyromaniac's love story, and suddenly, my pants are wet. i didn't even see it coming. right then and there, i took an oath to never drink mountain dew as long as i live. not a big loss, if you ask me.
so, it breaks down like so:
8th grade. camp. i pooped in my pants.
11th grade. bed. i peed in it.
sophmore year of college. bathroom AND living room. i peed in my pants.
seriously. this should not be so.
ahem. becky now has a blog. if you look to your left, you will see her link in all it's beauty. and we even put comments on....so....go use them!
March 08, 2004
oh so good? or not so good? that is the question.
--fame. not so good.
--full house marathon. oh so good.
--your desk smelling like spit after you sneezed (obviously without covering your mouth). not so good.
--my wallpaper. oh so good.
--balancing my checkbook. not so good.
--becky cleaning the whole apartment (minus my room). oh so good.
--megan's skin pie. not so good.
--my acceptance letter. oh so good.
--seeing a guy beat up a girl at krispy kreme (uh...i mean...the produce market). not so good.
--megan getting a call from officer love. oh so good.
--putting 5 digit numbers in numerical order when you are somewhat dyslexic. not so good.
--the fact that you are actually reading my post. oh so good.
March 04, 2004
the sun has been gone so long that i dare say that his memory is slowly leaving mine. i much prefer the days to be this way. they tend to agree with the melancholy in me, and help my daydreams flourish. thoughts of far off lands, and loves even farther. the music playing cradles these thoughts and longings. i can almost smell the grass, hear the water, feel the wind. in an instant i am there. all that is reality is suddenly a daydream. a daydream of monotony and boredom. and on those thoughts, i will not linger. life is more pleasant on days like today...or life as i imagine it should be. no, i don't miss the sun.
"i lay up all night thinking, about everything i need and everything i think i need, all the love i think i need, and all the love i've known." -- denison witmer