such is my life.

March 22, 2004

things here in lubbock have been very much the same since everyone left. most of this will not be news to anyone, since it was pretty much my normal routine, but here is what i did the past week while everyone was gone.

--i went on a date friday night, much like i do every friday night.

--i went to the soup kitchen at 5:30AM on saturday morning and then went and volunteered my services at the local adoption center, much like i do every saturday.

--i awoke with the sun on sunday, went on a prayer walk, read all of romans, and went to all three services at church, much like i do every sunday morning.

--i worked monday at the office, and monday night i met with 2 of the 14 women i disciple, much like i do every monday.

--i worked tuesday at the office, and tuesday night went and volunteered at the homeless shelter downtown, much like i do every tuesday.

--i worked wednesday at the office, and wednesday night met with 4 more women that i disciple, and taught them the meaning of giving as we gave random people money, food, and clothes, much like i do every wednesday.

--i worked thursday at the office, and thursday night i called and talked to beth moore about her new book, and what i think she could do to make it better, much like i do every thursday night.

--i worked friday at the office, and friday night, i went on a date, much like i do every friday night.

--saturday morning, after working at the soup kitchen, i took the elderly in my neighborhood to the musuem, and took the local children to the park. later that day, i met with the other 7 women i disciple and led them through the four spiritual laws, much like i do every saturday.

so, as you can see, nothing too exciting happened here in lubbock while you all were gone. things were pretty much routine for me. so if you will excuse me, i have a conference call with john piper in 5.


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