such is my life.

December 14, 2005

one question.

who told scott stapp that he could have a solo career?

as if living through the creed era was not bad enough...they had to go ahead and answer yes to his one question..."can you take me higher?"

i wish they had said no. i really, really do.

yeah. and while we are on the subject...enough of rob thomas. seriously. not just because he's prettier than me either.

you don't see ben gibbard leaving his band and starting other ones on the side. oh wait.

well, there's always pedro the lion who sticks it out with his...nope. nevermind on that one too. least i respect ben gibbard and david bazaan...and all of their side projects.

scott stapp? rob thomas? no thanks the first time. no way the second.

December 04, 2005

i have lived in this apartment for about 4 months.

everyday, i go into my room, and turn on the lightswitch.

the said lightswitch has never worked. never.

it doesn't work, because i don't even have a light in my ceiling.

you think i would learn. but i don't.

this incident is so similar to almost every other aspect of my life.

you think i would learn to not spend money when i know i have a $500 bill coming up.

you think i would learn to guard my heart.

you think i would learn that i have short hair and don't need a handful of shampoo anymore (and haven't for years...).

you think i would learn that you're never done with laundry...even if you actually do finally wash the pink pants, the clothes you are wearing are always going to be dirty.

i'm a fool.

but maybe one day, i won't reach for that switch. or write that check. or fall for THAT guy. or waste shampoo. and maybe one day, i will break down and do my laundry naked...just so every ounce of my clothes will be clean.

one day, everything will finally make sense.