such is my life.

December 17, 2003


how to deal will be the death of me. today i realized that the movie i regretted paying $3.98 for, was due yesterday. and so, i will pay for the movie over and over again. as if the mental termoil was not enough, it is now affecting my very being.

December 16, 2003

after a hard day of work, and a long night of shopping for (insert your name here)'s christmas present, i decided to relax at home with a girlie, feel-good movie. much to my surprise, i found that the movie was very bad and left me with a feeling i have known before. the feeling came from these movies (in no order):

--drowning mona. and the lesson learned from watching this movie:

NEVER let misty childress and neal barker rent a movie together.

that's right kids. i am taking names. misty and neal ruined one whole entire night of my then 6,935 days (that is a rough estimate).

sidenote: i laughed once in this whole movie. because they said M.I.A. which is how we always referred to my friend, zach.

--punch drunk love

apparently misty childress wasn't the problem with the choice of the above movie. because this movie came highly recommended by none other than neal barker. this is the movie that i went to see with the arm nudger. but believe it or not, this movie would have been bad, regardless of how sucky my boyfriend was. there was no lesson in this movie that shouldn't have been learned with drowning mona. my misery was from my own folly.


um, quick question: what else could go wrong in this movie? i mean seriously. you get blown off some rocket something or other and 10 minutes later, when your friends are still rubbing tears from their eyes, you come riding up on your space mobile. ridiculous.

redeeming quality: there is none. BUT, if i had written the movie, i would have had the little sheet slide they slid down on at the end, rip, and they would all die. that would have been a good ending. they cheated death so many times, and they die when they land on safe ground. ah. that would have been great.

--how to deal

the movie from last night. the girlie feel-good movie i so looked forward to watching. so, let me tell you the movie. parents get divorced. sister gets engaged the day her parents divorce is final. she has a fit. friends boyfriend dies. friend ends up being pregnant with dead boyfriends baby. she starts a friends-with-benefits "friendship." her mom catches them making out. grounds her. she has a fit. she sneaks out. they start to have sex. she gets up and leaves. he is mad that she won't have sex with him. she says she realized that that meant that she had really strong feelings for him and she was afraid he would leave. they have a wreck. he leaves her in the hospital. doesn't call for a week. she's mad. she sees him. she has a fit. sister's wedding is off. sister's wedding is on. friend has baby directly after the wedding. she gets back with "friend." the end. so, now i saved you all a dreadful 2 hours of drama and fits...and $3.98 that could be used for much better things like...well...anything would have been better.

things gained from this movie: besides the thoughts of, "i can't believe i watched that whole movie," i now have a girl crush on mandy moore. she wore skirts and converse the majority of the movie. what is cuter than that? not much i dare say. not much.

December 12, 2003

ah. the blog ain't what it used to be. i do apologize for that. but my goal in life is trying to be awkward 24 hours a day...not entertaining. christmas is drawing nigh, and i have yet to buy my family any presents...apart from two things i picked up at old mill trade days for two family members of the female persuassion. i am never this behind on things like shopping. just haven't felt the vibe lately. the past three times i have been to old navy, i walk out empty handed. same thing happened last night at best buy. what has become of me? have i let that part of me die? i plan to attempt another purchase. maybe not today, maybe not next week...but someday. since the dude requested that all post their christmas lists, i decided to ablige. picture this. walmart. tuesday night. shopping with great company. and then i see it. a cookie press with 12 interchangable designs. ah. my heart palpitates with the thought of this june cleaver goodness. of course, there are the cd's, and the movies, and the books...and then, there is the cookie press. on it's own level of...of...desire. but i fear for the receiving of the cookie press. i fear that it will end up like every other gift eventually does. sitting, dusty and unused. dreams forgotten, excitement exchanged. when did christmas lists become hard? as a child, they would be pages and pages long, thanks to the endless toy commercials shown on saturday mornings. but now, i would kill for snow on christmas day, to remember to value the time i have with my family, and to not forget how the birth of Christ affects me today. and since this post is starting to sound a little bit like an amy grant christmas song...i'm signing off with these three thoughts. the taylor's was fun the other all missed out. kelsey and sean are playing tonight...time...really unknown. i think i have heard 5 different times. i'll show up when i feel like it. and, it's friday. tonight i am going to party like it's 1999. did i party back then?

December 09, 2003

one hour left of work. i am sitting here thinking, what could i do in an hour. i should make a post about that, i thought to myself. but the more i thought, the more i realized that i could do anything for an hour...especially since i am an extremely poky natured person. and then i remembered. my childhood. my mother giving me time limits on EVERYTHING. i had time limits for cleaning my room, for eating my meals. and come to think of it...i still need time limits. otherwise, i get distracted. that is why i benefit so much by doing things in the "crunch" time. anyways. one hour left. things i could do in an hour...take a bath, make a cake, ponder the social injustice that i am losing in the humorous poll...

December 08, 2003

there is nothing more manly than eating beef jerky.

there is nothing more ludicrous than at 74 degree day in december.

there is nothing more sinful than a movie that has brad pitt AND orlando bloom in it.

there is nothing more to say.

December 05, 2003

love. ain't it grand?

December 03, 2003

did you know that there is actually a hormone that is responsible for the warm fuzzy feeling that you get? it's true. oxytocin is it's name, but it is also known as the cuddle hormone. blame oxytocin when you make out a little too long...or even when you want to. i wonder if it is possible to have too much oxytocin in your body. cause if so...i know a few people who definately being me. and blame becky for the useless a&p information now stored in my brian. i would tell you exactly where that information is stored, but we haven't gotten there yet. i'll keep you informed.

December 01, 2003

one time, i had a dream that i was an x-woman. what was my super power you ask? i could glow. yep. anything i touched glowed. that is quite possibly the lamest power ever. and so, i ask you, if you were an x-man or x-woman, who would you be?