such is my life.

October 15, 2003

doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo doo doooooooo....(funeral march)...

the love of my life is engaged. flowers and candy can be sent to Apt. 1C.

and in honor of this MOST unpleasant news, rebecca johnson has requested that i post reasons why i am still single.

1) more times than not, my wit and humor slaughter conversations. it's true.

2) maggie. period.

3) the fact that it is now wednesday...and i took my last shower on..........cough.........saturday.

4) the fact that i love to pick my nose. and am unashamed to admit so.

5) the fact that i enjoy being home alone. and the older i get, the less social i have become. if it weren't for becky, i would be someone's pet hermit.

and as this list has been discussed with becky, she informed me of this...and i quote...ahem..."there is no way to make a list kim. it's the things you do and say all day long that keep you single."

and to that i say, ouch.


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