such is my life.

October 02, 2003

DID YOU KNOW??!!?? (these interesting facts brought to you by m&m's. the snack size.)

--an ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain. either their eye is really big, or they are really dumb. but how big does your brain really have to be to eat, sleep, and run.

--a sneeze can reach speeds of 200 miles per hour. that's faster than a tornado people, and it's coming out of your mouth/nose.

--85% of the population can curl their tongue into a "u". i can make my tongue vibrate, and i have yet to meet someone else who can too.

--the scientific name for stinky feet in bromhidrosis. hey, it's from a pack of m&m's. kids think that this kind of stuff is funny.

--a giraffe's tongues in almost two feet long. that's almost as long as one of my stumpy legs.

--the width of your armspan is equal to your height. and thanks to pretty woman, i know that your foot is as long as your elbow to your wrist. weird how bodies are so symmetrical.

--an octopus has three hearts. so, being the nerd that i was, i wanted to find out why. just like i did with the snails. so here are some facts about, that i found on my m&m's needed.

---and octopus can squeeze through a hole the size of it's eyeball. that's stinkin' talent. have you seen them with their 8 legs and their fat ol' head.

---an octopus can kill a shark. maybe that is why their heads are so big! hahahaha!!

---two of their hearts pump blood into gills, and one pumps it through the rest of the body. if i was an octopus, my main heart would be for Jesus, and then there would be one for chris, and then there would be one for hogan.

---the largest octopus (which i might add is in the north pacific ocean) may grow over 30 ft. that's like three stories!!, unlike ostriches, have the most complex brains of any invertebrates. they have long and short term memory, and solve things by trial and error. i made fun of the size of their heads before i was aware of their genius.

---if an octopus is scared, it turns white. if it's mad, it turns red. it's a walking, talking mood ring.

---only 1 or 2 of 200,000 eggs will survive to adulthood. and if they are girls, they die after having babies because they won't eat. life sucks for the octopus. but they are awfully interesting.

i'll call myself on it. octopus gurnk!


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