such is my life.

September 22, 2003

monday, la, la la la...can't trust that day.....

a day in the brain of kim:

yesterday, i watched identity. i probably won't ever watch it again, but it was worth one seeing...if you don't get freaked out easily, like some amatuers i know do. yeah. so i thought i was cool. i watched the movie in the daytime, with my sister, i covered up when i felt scary parts coming on. "ah...that wasn't so bad" i tell myself, and go on with the remainder of my day. 12:45, i arrive at 1C, i turn my light off, crawl into bed, and lay there. with my eyes closed. and my mind used my eyelids as a movie screen to replay identity over and over. and then my dog jumps on the bed and licks me. and then i remember that scary story where that guy killed those kids and their dog, and the babysitter thinks the dog is licking her hand, and then she finds a note later that says, "people can lick, too." oh heck no! i get up. the light is definately coming on. on my way to the light switch, i ran into my mirror. bloody mary. so...needless to say, i slept with the tv on last night, because i almost pooped my pants trying to go to sleep last night. and now you know you have seen the peephole version of how my brain works everyday. and pearce, i sincerely apologize for saying poop in my post.


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