such is my life.

September 08, 2003

so, here i sit. another monday. another day where i thinks to myself, "i should post something new"...and i've got nothing.

me and beck moved into our new apartment on saturday. here's a shout out to all that helped:

"steph and jen"

and i put steph and jen in quotes, because they conveniently showed up just in time to eat pizza. a special thanks goes out to them.

i find it humorous that every part of our house is in perfect order, except my room. it's a disaster. i have decided that this means that i have just been putting effort everywhere else...that this does not mean that i am a slob.

note to not sleep on the big sofa. the lack of padding in the center seat will make you feel as though you have placed your hospital bed ALL the way up at both the head and the feet...the cricks will be detrimental.

yeah, so it has been two days since i last watched the lord of the rings. the shaking has almost become unbearable. so, a house warming gift of the lord of the rings: the two towers....on VHS (a DVD player would go against our white trash heritage)...would be welcomed by any who choose to partake in the giving.

and, i still know a certain someone with a dog that needs a new home. anyone? anyone?


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