such is my life.

July 03, 2003

here it comes. tomorrow the spongebob and tweety shirts make their appearance. there is no way to make those things can be made cool. believe me. we tried it all. it cause many memories to come to mind. memories of a nerdy childhood. and therefore, this post is hereby dedicated to my nerdy childhood.

-- second grade. i believed that it was cool to tuck your sweaters in to your pants. my sisters warned me repeatedly, to no avail. i went to school one day. proud as i could be at my sweet outfit. here comes the kicker. a sixth grader walked by me and was making fun of me to her friends. "did you see the second grader with her sweater tucked in to her pants??" oh. don't even think for a minute that i untucked it. no siree. josie grossy wore her shirt like that all day long.

-- a new kid moved in across the street from us, and i had put my arm in splint and made up this huge story about how i broke my arm playing some really cool game...or something. yeah, so this kid saw me later that day without it, and instead of saying that my arm wasn't really broken, i told him that it was my twin.

-- i used to learn my sister's spelling words for fun.

-- i think that at least once a week, i would fake that i had sprained my ankle. i always attended school with one shoe on and then limped around with my sock. a purple sock.

-- i ate lunch with my pre-cal teacher everyday. not because i had to, but because i liked hanging out with him. school gurnk.

-- i had a crush on jerome madrid for the majority of my elementary school years....just a side note. i went to school in sixth grade with a pick still in my hair, and said hi to jerome. and then...then i see it. the pick. no chance in ever getting that one. i think i gave up on that crush at that moment.

-- one time, my sisters told me that if i smelled our cats butt, that they would. and i did. and they didn't.

that is enough for right now....i must pack for wyoming. i don't know if you guys will be able to survive without me for yet another week, but please, do try.


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