such is my life.

June 12, 2003

nothing is more cool than:

--having to walk through the drive-thru to get a coke
--knocking things over with your high kick when doing taebo
--bruising your nose on your desk when you try to lay your head down
--walking out of the house with two different shoes on
--asking the bank where they put your driver's license, and throwing a fit about it.......and then finding it in your car
--stapling the stapler to your sweater in your 5th period english class
--wearing the same outfit as your teacher
--wearing the same outfit of the boy with the flaring nostrils who has been in love with you for 6 years
--having the boy with the flaring nostrils tell everyone in your 1st period english class that you are wearing the same outfit
--chasing your straw around your cup with your tongue
--opening your peanuts on the plane, and having them fly EVERYWHERE
--waking yourself up on the plane because you were snoring....(hey, i was sick....)
--walking up the stairs in front of the guy you have been in love with for years...and having your shoe fall off...and you keep walking...trying to play it off
--driving through a red light because a cute guy in the turning lane starting driving
--walking into a locked door at taco bell cause you were staring at someone
--hitting the coke tab next to the one you want, so your hand gets sticky and wet, and your cup stays empty

on and on and is a humorous, humorous thing. ah. i wouldn't have it any other way.

anyone else got some??


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