such is my life.

March 24, 2003

ok. spring break is officially over. and work is officially killing me. i question why i ever go out of town, because i always return to over 60 emails that i must look through and handle individually. oh well...that's what happens when you are an adult. i went to see my sisters this weekend...and say good ol' ryan patrick in transit. good times. oooooh. and then there was the car ride...i went with my mom and my grandma...the two most head strong women you will ever meet...and they are both head strong with different opinions. i thought i was going mad...maybe i did. maybe i did. maybe i did. maybe i did. maybe i did. anywho. my brother in law had seriously bad poison ivy...and my mom was praying for him...and she prayed that he would have the sleep of the gods. my mom is on crack ryan, she really is. so, i am praying that you all had the spring break of the gods...tell me all about it. now or later. i don't care.
ok, randomness is signing signing signing off...


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