such is my life.

February 28, 2003

So, let's talk about this...I got a dog...and as of yet, she really is like a is how my morning started.

5:00AM - I awake to my dog's high pitched my I get up, thinking to myself, maybe she wants out. So, I get out of my warm cocoon, and open the back door for her, only to have her sit there and cock her head back and forth. Here is where I start to feel annoyed. So, being the genius that I am, I decide to feed her.

5:20AM - The food only worked for twenty minutes. I am now awake again to high pitched my ear...and really annoyed. So, once again, I use my reasoning, and say to myself, "Maybe she wants out..." So, once again, I leave my warm bed to open the back door to cold, cold air. This time she goes outside. And plays. Now I am being to have murdurous thoughts. I decide to kill sometime, and go to the bathroom myself...inside, not outside with her.

5:29 - I have been successful in retreiving my dog from outside...lights are out...bed is warm...I think to myself, "Ah, finally some sleep," and also, "I am going to post about this annoying incident."

5:32 - Bark! Bark! Bark! What could she possibly want now??!!?? I decide, that since I live with my parents, I will let her into their room...she is with them most of the time anyways...back to bed.

5:33 - Really cool. She is now scratching on their door, and barking. Surely now, my parents will kill me, but I will definately make sure that they allow me to get my hands on her first. I get let her out. This time, she actually does something...besides play.

5:35 - With things how they should be, Maggie is in my parents room, and I in my bed, I have one thing to say...anyone want a dog??!!??

I'll kill everyone for that.

Oh, and my tire infact fought the good fight...although my alignment didn't.


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