such is my life.

September 28, 2006

i hate that you hate the things in other people that you hate in yourself.

my feelings are always hurt when people don't write me back.

but saying that means i am the biggest hypocrite of all time.

i'm fairly good at responding to emails and written letters...but phone calls? goodness. i can't even begin to say how many phone calls have gone:

do i think about the fact that those people's feelings might be hurt like mine are when people don't write me back?


so, i think this proves that i am a heartless jerk.

ps - i've lost all abilities to sleep. if you are a fellow insomniac, please call me. i promise i will try to answer. or at least try to return your phone call.

September 18, 2006 in austin, there's the austin chronicle. and in the austin chronicle, there's a section called a shot in the dark. i will be honest and say that i check a shot in the dark weekly hoping that someone out there thought i was hot and is desperately trying to find me.

aside from my lame fantasies, this two were posted this past week.

"red bike/glasses: wanna be your boyfriend i will tell you who i am if you tell me who you are lets encourage each others dreams"

"red bike girl: WITH GLASSES SEEKING BOYFRIEND i have glasses and red bike but not sure if message was for me there's a lot of cyclists in this town"

that girl's response just made me love a shot in the dark soooo much more.

i, too, have a red bike and glasses. should i respond?

September 13, 2006

i've been tagged. and honestly, (and i'm sure jeff, in his allknowingness knew this...) i wouldn't have anything to post about you go!

1. Three things that scare me:
things that fly. and NO. not airplanes. things that naturally can find some sort of air current and float on it.
dying before my parents and them being stuck with all of my debt.
clogging the toilet at someone else's house...who very unintelligently keeps the plunger in a room OTHER than the bathroom. busted! (only funny to those faithful to maybe not even to them...)

2. Three people who make me laugh:
you can't possibly expect me to name names of my FRIENDS! all of my friends are funny...otherwise...they wouldn't be my friends. i will have none of this boring friends with no sense of humor. except for....gotcha! you thought i was gonna name names again. suckers...
conan o'brien. the future mr. kimberly johnson. after he gets divorced and falls in love with me, that is. or falls in love with me and therefore gets divorced...
me. i'm hilarious. to me.

3. Three things I hate the most:
fish. it's no secret that i may or may not gag when in the presence of seafood.
being broke. there's nothing that makes you feel like less of a person than struggling to survive every month.

4. Three things I don't understand:
fax machines. seriously. i put a piece of paper in...and it comes out the other end?? magical!
how michael jackson was medically altered into a white person. could they medically alter me into someone who can get a tan? i MUST know.
how people can honestly like peppermint gum. or...peppermint ANYTHING for that matter.

5. Three things I'm doing right now:
talking to my roommate, kristen

6. Three things I want to do before I die:
drive from coast to coast
be debt free
get married? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. ha. ha. cough. ha.

7. Three things I can do:
whistle. on tune even!
pogostick. i'm a master. seriously. just ask my sisters.
copy and paste myself into pictures that i'm really not in. i think that this is really my true calling in life.

8. Three ways to describe my personality:

9. Three things I can't do:
clap and sing at the same time. well...i CAN clap and and sing at the same time, but not in rhythm.
outrun a tornado. well...let's be honest. i'm not really sure i could outrun anything. sometimes i have a hard time catching the two year old twins i nanny.

10. Three things I think you should listen to:
people with accents. i love people about 45% more if they have one.
anything by denison witmer. i know, i know. but i love him. a lot.
books on tape. especially on road trips.

11. Three things you should never listen to:
nickelback. see number 3.
your neighbors having sex.
your neighbors fighting. it's equally awkward.

12. Three things I'd like to learn:
how to actually follow a budget. i can write them out...but actually doing them...that's something completely different.
how to medically alter myself into someone who can tan. see number 4.
how to seduce men.

13. Three favourite foods:
chinese food. love it.
italian food. love it.
candy. that's a food, right?

14. Three beverages I drink regularly:

15. Three shows I watched as a kid:
today's special. the best show EVER.
reading rainbow.
dirty dancing. we watched that movie like EVERY day when i was a kid. little did i know how dirty it really was until i was older...much, MUCH older.

16. Three people I'm tagging (to do this):
i don't think anyone actually reads my blog anymore...but if you do...and you haven't done this...then get on it!