okay. i am sorry it's been over a month. but i have excellent news.
i am now posting from my bedroom. that's right. the parents came last weekend and bought the johnson girls a computer of their very own. no more waiting for the people at the office to be done talking on instant messenger. no more feeling people's breath on your back while you are typing your homework assignment. so this is what freedom feels like??
there is nothing new in my life. i turn 24 in june, i am done with school in august (can you believe it??), i am going to be an aunt, and i have decided that i want dreads. so, as of today, april 26th, i hereby announce that i am growing my hair out so i can have dreads just like this:


i'm pretty sure that if ethan hadn't already proposed to arwynn, even though i like boys, that i would.
and on that note, my dear friends, i will try to post much more frequently. but in the times where my posts do linger, remember the way my blog used to be, and check out my archives. that should hold you until the next post. even though you guys said adam's blog was funnier than mine.
i still think he paid you.
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