such is my life.

September 17, 2003

ok. i know. two posts in one day is a serious thing that only people like those of 2915 do, but it must be posted.

i saw the most loser show in the history of television today at lunch. i think it's called second chance. it's a tlc you probably know the plot. blah blah and yada yada broke up "insert time period here" ago, and now blah blah realizes that they still want them. my guess is that yada yada is always going to feel the complete opposite and the show will have one most of the reality tv shows should have. today...this has to be a classic. they went to prom together...15 YEARS AGO. 15. no joke. she is still reading letters from him and stuff. yeah. that is psycho girl to the max. so she wants to get back with him. they's awkward for me and i am not even there. they sit down on a blanket for a picnic, and he says, "when we sat down it was really awkward." and then they show her and she says, "when we sat down, it felt really comfortable." she keeps talking about how she remembers how he held her...and keep in has been 15 years. so, she asks about his love life...and he does what any reasonable person would do when confronted by someone as mental as a girl in love, and he lies. he tells about this vague girlfriend. yeah, i don't know that it was a lie for sure...but there were no details...and i would not want that girl to know that i was single...that's for sure. so, she pretty much decides to wait for him another 15 years if she must. and boys, i hereby give you the right to not want to commit to girls. we really do think this way. although this has not deferred two gentlemen as of late. you know who you are.........and so do we.

so, anyways, if you happen to be home at 12:00 on weekdays, tune into second chances. it is quite possibly the most pathetic thing you will ever see. besides the post from september 2nd.


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