such is my life.

May 04, 2003

i, kimberly jean johnson, do hereby declare that jason "middle name" pearce is mean.

one time, i put a dirty bandade on his neck, and he yelled at me and told me i was gross.
one time, i mean tonight, he kept asking me when i was leaving, and i had just gotten there.
one time, i wrote him a poem, and he read it, laughed at it, burned it, and then blew the ashes in my face.
one time, i made dinner for him, and he spit in it and said some very bad words and told me that it would taste better if a dog pooped in it.
one time, he told me that i was the dumbest, ugliest girl he had ever met. and when i cried, he called me a baby.
one time, he told me that he liked to hit me so hard that it bruised me. so he proceeded to continue to hit me. hard.
one time, he ran into my car on purpose. and it was a really cool car. so since he totalled that one, i now have to drive a 1990 ford tempo.
one time, he toilet papered me. and then sprayed me with water.
one time, he told me that no one liked me. including my mom.
one time, he said only lesbian's have short hair and nose rings. and then he asked where my girlfriend, rosie o'donnell was.
one time, he told me that i better have all of his laundry done and his shoes shined by the time he got back from checking the mail. houdini couldn't even do it that fast.
one time, he told me that if he had to choose between hitler and me for anything, he would choose hitler. and never me.

this all adding up to equal the truth that jason "middle name" pearce is mean.

and kimberly jean johnson is a liar.

but those first two...those were true.


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