such is my life.

November 01, 2004

so i have tried like 4 different times to post, and they have all been unsuccessful. so if this actually makes it to so fresh and so clean, i will be completely shocked.

halloween went without a hitch for many people. i didn't dress up as anything. but this one guy did ask me if i was dressed up as a witch, and for that, i will kill him. becky went to a halloween party dressed up as the devil, and we went to a halloween party and saw a guy dressed up as calvin and hobbes...except his costume sucked. he had a sarong on and he was carrying an alf doll with a sign that said "tiger". doing what the johnson's do best...we made fun of him all night...AND we didn't even know him. reminds me of someone i know that has huge fingers...i think you know who you are.

an in more important news, the guy i was in love with that had a girlfriend, has one no longer. things are getting more interesting here in austin. becky found a girl here that is an "observer" as we like to call ourselves, and she gave us the scoop on everyone, including the above juicy information. how i love people that sit back and watch.

and, in most important news, the oc comes back on thursday. becky will be in cali, flying on a private jet, staying on the beach, shopping in beverly hills with money that her employers gave's tough to be becky j. but i will be watching the oc, and maybe peeing my pants with excitement. well, have to have an open discussion on friday to see what everyone thought about it.

and for now, i am stopping, because i think i would be terribly frustrated if i wrote an amazing post and it didn't even publish it. yeah, that's why i wrote a mediocre blog...cause i didn't want to waste my time on pure genius that no one would ever see. yeah.


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