such is my life.

July 14, 2005

those aren't all the pictures that i have...but those were all of the ones that i wanted to be seen. me and becky have an inside joke about wookies, so we obviously HAD to take a picture with the lego version of chewbaca. i didn't think about again until this:

mr. target film developer: you take good pictures.

me: thanks.

mr. target film developer: did you go to the star wars convention?

me: no...

mr. target film developer: cause i went and they had that same chewbaca there.

me: oh. cool.

i pretty much had confusion face the whole time he was talking to me. so, this post is dedicated to you, mr. target film developer. here are some social skills tips a la kim johnson.

a) mr. target film developer, don't examine my pictures so closely.
b) don't tell me you examined them so closely.
c) don't ask really cool girls if they went to the star wars convention.
d) don't admit to really cool girls that YOU went to the star wars convention.

as sorry as i am to admit it, this is not my first run-in with mr. target film developer. last time i went with my cake pictures this happened.

mr. target film developer: you make cakes.

me: yeah.

mr. target film developer: peanut butter cap'n crunch and lilo and stitch cereal? aren't you a little old for that?

me: no.

and so, mr. target film developer, i would again ask you to refer to a and b above, and will give you one more piece of advice.

e) don't ever make fun of peanut butter cap'n crunch.


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