such is my life.

November 15, 2004

the story of the scorpion.

yeah. that's right. a scorpion.

it was saturday afternoon. nothing too special going on. the barbeque that we had planned on going to got cancelled due to weather, so it looked to be a long day inside with nothing to do. i went into my room and saw a spot on my ceiling that was not normally there. i stand on my bed to examine it, just to make sure it wasn't a wasp's nest or something, and i was appauled at what i saw instead. a scorpion. i screamed and yelled for becky to come in. she, being the extremely brave sister that she is, decides to get the broom and attempt to kill it. but the scorpion must have had some kind of scorpy-sense and therefore unrolled his 12 foot long tail, skidded across the ceiling, dropped down, and wriggled under the carpet.

scorpion: 1. johnson's: 0.

so, being the proactive girl that i am, i go down to the office and tell them of our little mishap, all the while giving the scorpion time to go to his lair and start a revolt against 332. the office was of little help. they gave me some stupid a** glue traps to defeat the revolt of the insect world against the human world. whatever. i put the faggy things out just to put myself a little more at ease, and sleep in becky's room for the same reason.

day two. we awake to find a scorpion stuck to the glue trap!! poor old fool got his tail stuck, and then tried to grap the trap with his houge claw only to get stuck more.

shame on me for doubting the power of glue.

with the hitler of the revolution caught, no scorpion dare enter our apartment.

scorpions: 0. johnson's: 1.


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