It has always been Chris. And never Sean.

But, I think I figured something out. I think Sean here is the perfect mixture of Tyler and Jaime. Take out the cooking abilities and the British accents and subsitute them with singing and playing the guitar, and we could have a winner.

But wait. There's always Chris. The weird kid with the voice like an angel's...well...probably a lot less scary than I would imagine an angel's voice being. I mean seriously, if you have to tell someone to "be not afraid" everytime you see them, chances are, you are scary with a voice similar to Galadriel's voice when she says, "Instead of a dark lord, blah, blah, blah."
Moving on...
With a strangeness that could only come from a Friday the 13th or a Dean Koontz novel, pound for pound, Sean was looking like he was the winner. But then...I stumbled upon this.
"Everything is nice and green from the autumn rain - our back yard looks like Ireland when the sun shines over the hills and onto it with the freshest of morning lights.
I drove to the coast listening to Amy Grant's first Christmas CD with my windows down, on the interstate, my loose papers and pages being noisily tousled about...But I was super impressed when I was sitting at a red light and noticed my things being just as active. The road was angled in just such a way that my car was transformed into a veritable wind tunnel.
Pretty fun.
I drove to Off Shore Surf Shop and sat on the hood of my car watching the white capped waves. The air felt the same temperature as the cool cotton sheets that your limbs automatically stretch out to find in the morning. Then you relax back into your warm spot in the covers. ...I soon oozed back in my warm Sentra."
And just like that...Sean lost, just like he was destined to. Chris, you can stretch out and find me ANYTIME you want.
i still read your blog.
i am glad ryan. i am glad.
where the heck have you been???
i will kill you if you bring your family up there so i can sing to them.... sing at cold stone. there is such a difference. for contacting can email me at, or you can call me. it's shady to give your number out on a i'll give it to you later...
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