well, after over a year and a half of growing my hair out, i did the inevitable and cut it all off.
boy. was. that. a. great. idea.
sorry to let you down elise. i know i haven't posted in days. i hope i didn't ruin your week.
well, being that it is once again friday, i must inform you all that i will be working. please come see me and eat our overpriced ice cream.
well, i called you last night to show you...but you didn't answer...pulling a kim are you?
82nd. but it will be in a cap. so you won't really see it. bangs are short. back of it is really short, and it gets longer in the front...you'll just have to see it.
yes, i do. sort of. it's kind of crazier. you'll just have to see.
no, i love it. no sarcasm involved.
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