such is my life.

August 08, 2003

rebecca ann and i, kimberly jean, have noticed an undercurrent of love in our blogging community. it has remained unnoticed for far too long. take a gander at the countless comments between these two love birds. and these are only from one of their find them everywhere would take days.

pearce, i love you more all the time, you crack me up.

you''ll have to love me regardless of a new "not-so-cool-suburbanite-sell-out-apartment-with-fitness-room."

ok. deal.

i love you pearce!

i say it yet again...i love you pearce

pearce whispers hi.

and so is ryan henry- cool that is- the coolest really- if you ever thought about it- hands down- no contest- money in the bank- how could you even question it?- ridiculous to even think of it otherwise- and finally- what a guy...what a guy...what a guy

hello mr. pearce. i love you.

-much love-

pearce, i need to come to lubbock so we can thrift, and old book, and garage sale together!

i look forward to the day ryan

ryan. will you give me poetry lessons? please??

pearce, you silly you.

i care.

i miss you pearce.

i miss you ryan.

ryan henry. can i come live with you? (please oh please oh please oh please oh pleeeeeease. . .)

pearce and ryan. oh my gosh. i have nothing more to say.


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