such is my life.

March 31, 2003

this post is hereby dedicated to the sweetness known as graham brown...who not only thinks i am funny, but is, himself, so humorous, that after talking last night at cheeks were sore. graham, this post's for you...

uh, the pressure has stumped me...i will write you a poem.

graham, graham, what a man,
smiley, funny, silly graham.
oh the joy to see his face,
and watch him wave his silly wave.
and see his smile of joy and glee,
and hear his laugh, so giggley.
i sad day is that without a graham,
oh please may i never miss out on that ham.

the end. graham, i hope that this is to your has taken me all day to write it. oh the pressure...oh the nervousness...please like it, please like it.

March 27, 2003

ok, first of all, i don't appreciate the fact that everytime i go to my blog, the advertisements on my blog are like "meet a great man"..."how to make dating exciting"..."you are a single loser"...

and on to bigger and better things...
every once in a while, i hit a period in my life when i feel that i have to have my entire life figured out. today is one of those days. it's hard for me not to try to take control of my own trust in this unseen God, who is up in heaven working away, without me having the slightest clue of where this life is going. don't get me wrong, i am thankful that He has it all under control, but it's hard for me to trust that the Lord will work things out, and will give me better than what i am so adament about wanting. so here are my thoughts...i am no theologin, but here are my issues...i have a hard time sometimes praying about things, because i feel that no matter how hard i pray, sometimes the road is only a one-way. and then i think i could bug the crap out of God, like the parable of the persistent widow, but then i have become the child begging to touch the stove, and God becomes the parent saying, "she'll never learn unless i give her her way...", and so he does. and i get burned all the same. why am i so adament about taking control, why do i insist on telling God what would be best for me, instead of sitting and listening to his promises...the promise that He knows the plans He has for me...and they are good and perfect. anyhoo...this is me...knowing the praticality of my previous statement, and still fighting an inpractical war...the war that i think that i know what's best for me. if in fact i did, i would be married to jerome madrid (who i don't think has grown at all since 6th grade, when i begged the Lord daily for him to notice the rollypolly known as kim), driving a dodge ram (jr. high...boy was i off?), with two sets of twins (Lord help us all), and a graduate of a&m (me? graduate? and then i found $100).

March 25, 2003

see, i tried to post this yesterday...not the best of all blogs, but hey, it is one. so public. i heard your plees. here are two new posts, one that you could actually post something on...and this one...just to let you know that i am aware of my public. all two of you.

March 24, 2003

ok. spring break is officially over. and work is officially killing me. i question why i ever go out of town, because i always return to over 60 emails that i must look through and handle individually. oh well...that's what happens when you are an adult. i went to see my sisters this weekend...and say good ol' ryan patrick in transit. good times. oooooh. and then there was the car ride...i went with my mom and my grandma...the two most head strong women you will ever meet...and they are both head strong with different opinions. i thought i was going mad...maybe i did. maybe i did. maybe i did. maybe i did. maybe i did. anywho. my brother in law had seriously bad poison ivy...and my mom was praying for him...and she prayed that he would have the sleep of the gods. my mom is on crack ryan, she really is. so, i am praying that you all had the spring break of the gods...tell me all about it. now or later. i don't care.
ok, randomness is signing signing signing off...

March 14, 2003

i was laying in bed last night thinking...i want to get married just so i can have someone to turn the light out at night. and then i woke up at 3:00AM with the light still on. the single life sucks sometimes...especially when it comes to turning out your own light. so...

single white female looking for any male that will turn the light out for me at night.

and everyone...have a GREAT spring break! until we meet again!!

March 12, 2003

ok. so, i have not had anything to say. well, let's talk about this. why do we continue to eat things that we find repulsive?? let me give you some examples from my own life...

peachie-o's - the second i put them in my mouth, i feel that i want to throw up, but if someone has some, i will try them.
hushpuppies - long john silver's h.p.s are the perfect example. i always take a bite. i feel that i should like them if i am an american. leading up to the next one...
coleslaw - i hate the stuff. and yet, i still try it at long john silver's everytime it comes with my combo. it's seriously dipping lettuce in mayonaise, and it just so happens that i like neither. so why would the combo have this gravitational pull?? and i know that at the moment, you all are thinking that i eat at l.j.s.'s a lot, but i don't. i usually feel like all of my internal organs are swimming back and forth in grease...back and forth, and back and forth. just a little clarification for the viewer.
and i sit here today at work...eating lemonheads. now, i enjoy lemonheads...don't get me wrong. but everytime i eat one, i feel that i have eaten, not one, not two, not even three, but 6 peachie-o's at once. and yet, i continue to eat them.

what are your "i hate this, but i am gonna keep eating it" things??
and also, why do we smell things when someone has just informed us that it stinks? humans! we have mush for brains.

March 10, 2003

ok. so it is definately monday. it is now 10:02 AM, and i have yet to work. i have watched the new strongbad email (which could have been better...if i had written it) everyone's blog, copied the emails from my work email (look at me...starting to work....), im-ed heather...while she wasn't there...along with molly...checked to see if the new paradigm pictures were up (and they aren't)...thought about my sister, and my step-dad, and my mom, who are all still in bed at home (apparently, i am the bread winner in my family)...ate a peanut butter granola bar, tried to find the name of a band so i could post on ryan's blog (and i was unsuccessful)...listened to my voicemail...and managed to write the longest run-on sentence ever. it is definately monday. what other day could you be so productive on?? motivational mondays...that's what i like to call them.

March 07, 2003

ok. here is something that i don't quite understand...what exactly is "the power of cheese"...the only power that i know cheese to have, is the power to make you irregular...i make you an irregular sleeper, yeah. please come back.

ok. and something that has been weighing on my mind. the post of hilarity from last week...the one about the weather. i copyrighted. it's not mine! my friend matt harnly wrote it to me in an email, and i thought it was hilarious. and thus i posted it. but before i knew it, i had posters, and new friends that thought i was sooo funny, i couldn't give it up. "i fell in love with you." "you fell in love with me?" "no, yes, all of you." (that is a movie quote...who can tell me?) so, the title of this post is....please come back.

here, to make up for my lack of ingeniuty and humor, i will tell you my own funny story...

there once was a youngen named joseph,

who had a best friend named joe smith.

now the two of them, friends,

couldn't figure out when,

people were calling, joseph or joe smith.

wasn't that hilarious?? i made it up, can you believe that? yeah, i think it's getting published this week in that famous know the one.


March 05, 2003

this post is dedicated to heather luan dalton...but please feel free to post if you are not her...

this is megan and her steep climb in her skirt...
........../ I \
.........../ 7
........../ /

am i your hero now??

also, since everyone did music they are listening to (including me), i decided to do music i am not listening to...once again, in honor of heather...

starsailor....they scare time, i listened to them in the still scares me to think about it. heather kept telling me, "kim!!! give them a second chance." what heather, a second chance for them to screw me up for eternity??
5th dimension....i hate them more than i hate cantelope and red beans and rice. which is a lot...i think it's the age of "i never want to hear you again"...
steely general...i could listen to them if forced to...except for "ricky, don't lose that number"....why would you send a phone number to will all just end up in a huge stack of papers whether you take it home first, or whether you send it in the mail. hate it.
who do you guys wise that is...

March 04, 2003

ok, ok, ok...i will post something. my two readers are demanding a new post. so, last night, we went to a b-ball game, and then us girls took over the court to show everyone how to really play basketball. all this to explain on little story...stephanie chaumont was there (and she was awake...who would have known??!!), and anytime she shot the ball, she looked like a punk rocker jumping while playing their guitar....she jumped like this...

0 / O
I /
/ \

something like that...i know, my visuals are awesome! was one of the best moments of my life. stephanie chaumont. a rockstar basketball player...errr...something like that...

March 03, 2003's back to the grinding...err, what is that statement??? anyhoo. it is monday, and i am back at work. sitting here...waiting anxiously for people to comment on my blog...but it is hard to keep up the's hard to be as funny as i am all the, today, i am going to create a forum. ok, today we are going to be discussing lies. so, say that their is this big surprise party for your friend...he asks what you are doing tonight...lie, or don't lie? what about when someone calls on the phone for your boss, and she is not taking you say, "she is on the other line" or "she is at lunch" (even though it is 9:11AM)? this has become a pressing issue with me, because i realized how often these things (which are all lies), seem to miss my attention...cause i am not lying about me not wearing your shirt last night...i am lying about things to "protect" not ruin a not let my boss get overworked. and then i begin to many other sins i let slip by...because it's not murder...or it's not idolatry. being tormented by the flesh sucks...